Tips For Songwriting - How to Write a Song

No one becomes a celebrated songwriter overnight. Even musical geniuses put in a lot of hard work before they have come up with their own masterpieces. Here are some tips for songwriting that you can use to enhance your songwriting skills.

Tip 1: Know how you feel. A song is a reflection of the soul and emotion. If you will write without feeling anything at all, you will not be able to come up with a song worthy of people's attention.

You have to draw inspiration from what you feel and from what you are. Simply put, you should also know what genre you should write about. Is it a rock song? Do you like happy novelty songs or sentimental love songs? Once you have identified your personality, you will also be able to identify what songs to write. Always remember that one cannot be a jack of all trades.

Tip 2: Focus on the lyrics. Other than the melody, words mean a lot in a song. You can have the greatest song arrangement but if your lyrics do not really voice out what it is supposed to, your audience will not love your song.

Do not use words that are very deep because people who will listen to your song want simple yet profound lyrics. Make it easy to understand.

Tip 3: Arrange the vocal melody. The sound and melody of the song is what your listeners will remember. This includes opening notes and closing notes in a song. Remember that the rise and fall of your melody should also match the words. If the words are of a person who got hurt and is angry, you may want to consider a rising tone.

There are other tips for songwriting but the best tip of all is to practice, practice, practice and write, write, and write more songs until you fell really comfortable with it.

Discover proven methods on how to write a song. Click here for more tips for songwriting.

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Posted by Ahmed Noer, Sunday, 30 November 2008 09:45 | 0 comments |